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What Is Geopathic Stress & It's Cause?   What Is ElectroMagnetic Frequencies?

What Is Geopathic Stress
How It

Geopathic Stress and Its Adverse Effects on Human Health

The term Geopathic is derived from the Greek Geo meaning the Earth, and Pathos meaning disease or suffering. Literally, it translates to suffering of the Earth. The phrase Geopathic Stress refers to the negative energies, also known as harmful earth rays which emanate from the Earth and have the ability to cause discomfort and ill health to those living above them. Earth energies have the ability to be neutral, beneficial, or harmful.

When a structure such as a home or building is built over underground water, the natural magnetic flow of energy from the water is disrupted, creating harmful vibrations that affect the building above. Over the years, Geopathic Stress has been proven to be a major cause of human suffering, illness and disease. Both physical and mental. Scientists in Germany, India and Austria have done extensive testing and studies on the effects of Geopathic Stress effects.

A Simple Explanation

Sleeping over these disturbed energy zones over an extended period can weaken the body's resistance to disease. Geopathic stress is linked to various illnesses, particularly those that are stress-related or difficult to diagnose like fibromyalgia. If you or any one of your family members frequently experience any of the symptoms or occurrences listed below, it may indicate that your bedroom is likely affected by Geopathic Stress, and action should be taken. While Geopathic Stress does not directly cause illness, it lowers your immune system, making it harder for you to fight off disease.

Common symptoms of sleeping in a Geopathically stressed area include:
Restlessness, insomnia, or difficulty falling asleep
Excessive dreaming or waking up feeling unrefreshed
Waking up with headaches or back pain
Cold or restless feet and legs at night
Asthma or respiratory difficulties during sleep
Daytime fatigue and lethargy
Unexplained mood changes, aggression, or depression
Bedwetting or excessive crying in children
Infertility, miscarriage, or marital discord
Prolonged illness or failure to respond to medical treatments

Cancer, in particular, has been noted to develop frequently in areas where two or more Geopathic Stress lines cross through a person's body while they sleep.

A Detailed Explanation

Other potential effects of Geopathic Stress include:
Poor workmanship or performance at work
Hostile staff relations
Difficulty selling property
Frequent arguments or fights within the family
Business losses or financial difficulties
Infertility or repeated miscarriages
Premature death or unexplained sudden deaths (cot deaths, for example)
Robberies, accidents, or even violent incidents such as murders
Severe illnesses like cancer or comas

Here 2 Geopathic Lines cross on the right side of the bed under the female but not the male.
This creates a more harmful location for her to be sleeping and can have many negative effects.

Geopathic Stress is a common factor in many long-term illnesses and psychological conditions. A study by scientists at Dulwich Health Society, USA, involving over 25,000 individuals, revealed alarming correlations between Geopathic Stress and a wide range of health issues.

Their findings included:
100% of people who develop secondary cancer
95% of people diagnosed with cancer were sleeping or working in Geopathic Stress areas before their diagnosis
95% of hyperactive children or those with learning disabilities are affected by Geopathic Stress
95% of individuals diagnosed with AIDS
80% of parents or caregivers who abuse children
80% of divorces involve one or both partners being Geopathically stressed
80% of couples experiencing infertility are affected by Geopathic Stress
80% of women who suffer miscarriages
80% of cot deaths
70% of individuals with post-viral fatigue (M.E.)
70% of people who have severe food or drink allergies

Study this depiction of the various effects of geopathic stress of underground
water veins to the different areas in this illustration by Dr. Joseph Kopp.

Scientists have long since determined that the Earth’s natural vibrational frequency is 7.83 Hz. Having lived on Earth for thousands of years, the human body has naturally attuned itself to this frequency. As long as the Earth's frequency remains stable, we experience a sense of well-being. However, in areas affected by Geopathic Stress, the frequency can increase significantly, sometimes up to 250 Hz, which is harmful to all living organisms.

Key points about Geopathic Stress:
It is a natural phenomenon that occurs in specific areas and can negatively impact human health.
Depending on its source, Geopathic Stress can manifest as a line passing through an area or as an irregular energetic zone.
Some places make us feel uneasy or uncomfortable, often without a clear reason Geopathic Stress is likely responsible.
The effects of Geopathic Stress on health were scientifically recognized over 70 years ago and have since been demonstrated in millions of cases.
Geopathic Stress is consistently found to be a common factor in most serious and long-term illnesses and psychological disorders.
Thousands of medical professionals and therapists confirm that any Geopathic Stress must be eliminated before treatments can be fully effective.

After years of research, we have developed an effective and beneficial and revolutionary solution we call: Quantum Energy Broadcasting Q.E.B. for short. This proprietary technology can be performed on anyone or anything, anywhere on the planet.

It has been designed to neutralize the harmful effects of Geopathic Stress in your homes, workplaces, automobiles and countless other areas affected by G.S., helping the body in particular maintain optimal immune function and having equally impressive results on buildings and automobiles as well.

Most people actually notice the benefits of the Quantum Energy Broadcasting Treatment very shortly after it's done, remotely, and non invasively.

The results? You get a better sleep. A calmness is felt in the body and the mind. The fog seems to be lifted. While results may vary depending on an individual's immune strength, the treatment will have an effect upon the home and all those in it. Please note this product is not a medical device and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness. No medical claims are made regarding this product.

We strongly believe there is no more economical, 100% effective, and non-invasive solution for neutralizing Geopathic Stress in your home and body than this product.

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